English is fun!

Grudzień - December

Zima w pełni. Czas zbudować bałwanka. Oczy, nos, guziki, kapelusz, szalik i już  bałwanek gotowy! A teraz zaspiewajmy o małym bałwanku po angielsku! Poznajemy części ciała, ubrania i słowo koło (a circle)

I'm A Little Snowman     


I'm a little snowman
look at me

These are my buttons, 1 2 3
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf.
Brrr...it's cold!

I'm a little snowman, look at me.
These are my buttons, 1 2 3.
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr...it's cold!

I'm a little snowman, look at me.
These are my buttons, 1 2 3.
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr...it's cold!



a snowman – bałwan

buttons – guziki

a hat – kapelusz

a scarf – szalik

cold – zimno

Ciekawe co znajdziemy pod choinką! A ty  jaki prezent chciałbyś dostać ? Pociąg, rakietę czy robota? A może misia? Mikołaj już jedzie i wiezie prezenty!


What do you want for Christmas?


What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?

Santa's on his way
I want a train.
I want a train.
I want a great big train.
A train? 
A train!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a rocket.
I want a rocket.
I want a great big rocket.
A rocket?
A rocket!

Prepare for lift-off...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LIFT-OFF!
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a robot.
I want a robot.
I want a great big robot.
A robot?
A robot!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a teddy bear.
I want a teddy bear.
I want a great big teddy bear.
A teddy bear?
A teddy bear!

Right leg. Left leg. Right arm. Left arm. 
Oh no!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
Santa's on his way!



a train - pociąg

a rocket - rakieta

a robot - robot

a teddy bear - misiek


Swięta już tuż tuż więc witamy renifera, bałwanka  i Mikołaja. Wesołych świąt wszystkim!

Hello, Reindeer


Hello, reindeer.
Hello, snowman.
Hello, Santa.
Happy holidays.

1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9 10.
Merry Christmas, everyone. 
Let's sing it once again.

Hello, reindeer.
Hello, snowman.
Hello, Santa.
Happy holidays.
Happy holidays



a reindeer – renifer

a snowman – bałwan

Santa – Mikołaj


Okazuje się, że bałwanki też bywają niekiedy niegrzeczne. Skaczą w śniegu,upadają i robią sobie krzywdę. Na szczęście mają troskliwą mamę, która dzwoni po lekarza i znowu wszystko jest dobrze.

Five little snowmen

Five little snowmen

jumping in the snow

one fell off

and bumped his toe

Mamma called the doctor

and the doctor said

„No more snowmen

jumping in the snow”


Four little snowmen

jumping in the snow

one fell off

and bumped his toe

Mamma called the doctor

and the doctor said

„No more snowmen

jumping in the snow”


Three little snowmen

jumping in the snow

one fell off

and bumped his toe

Mamma called the doctor

and the doctor said

„No more snowmen

jumping in the snow”


Two little snowmen

jumping in the snow

one fell off

and bumped his toe

Mamma called the doctor

and the doctor said

„No more snowmen

jumping in the snow”



One little snowmen

jumping in the snow

he fell off

and bumped his toe

Mamma called the doctor

and the doctor said:

„Put that snowman

right into bed”



a snowman - bałwan

bump – uderzac się

jump - skakać

snow - śnieg

toe - palec

Put that snowman

right into bed”- połóż tego bałwanka do łóżka



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